Whenever anyone steps foot out of their door someone is going to criticize them... even the most beautiful women in the world are often picked to pieces about their looks. If you know this and surround yourself with the love you would give a little child, you can more effortlessly repel the verbal arrows before they wound your emotional body.
I so wish everyone was kind and loving, but unfortunately many suffer their own pain and lash out at other people in the hope it will help them feel better about themselves. It never does though; it just perpetuates the bad feelings.
So in our final interview in this series with supermodel/actress Kelly LeBrock, we will find out how one of the most acclaimed beauties in the world has handled this issue that we all deal with at some point... mean comments.
Gabrielle Reilly: So what is your favorite career highlight?
Kelly LeBrock: My favorite career highlight I would have to say is in modeling. I worked in modeling and acting and they are really quite different. I would say with the modeling it would have been the 24 page spread in American Vogue. I was pretty chuffed about that. That was a big deal for a young girl coming from Europe to go to America. I struggled for six months really, really hard but then I got those 24 pages.
Then in acting I would have to say "Woman in Red" which was lovely to land as my first film. Gene Wilder was wonderful, Gildna Radner was extraordinary, and she was just wonderful. She steered me the whole way through it, she sent me flowers on the first day.
Gabrielle Reilly: Yes, the "Woman in Red" is an iconic movie. you made it an iconic movie. I didn't even remember who else was in that movie until I recently researched in again. I just remembered you, as with most people.
So, anyone who steps out in public today has to deal with so many nasty comments from people. It's just dreadful with all the anonymous access on the internet now. How do you personally handle any attacks?
Kelly LeBrock: You know what, they affect you, of course they affect you, but then you have to think about the person who is writing these horrible things. They are probably in their two by four room, hideously unhappy, hideously overweight and perhaps have an eating disorder of their own or something. I pretend that these people are just sad, lonely fools with a sword in their hands that they are able to slice up other people because that's how they feel inside. I try to turn it around and turn it into feeling sorry for this person who can be so cruel.
People have been cruel. It's not been easy being a sex symbol and aging in front of the public, especially raising a few children on my own. That's not an easy feat and I had a very tough time with my kids. That leads to the mother not taking care of themselves. I was always taking care of everyone else and so when you read those comments, yes, they hurt, but like I said that's what I do with them.
That's how we all have to deal with them because when unkind words are spoken, we're the only ones that can give it some power. We have the power to choose how we deal with those words and that is what I'm learning.
Gabrielle Reilly: That's a great way of looking at it Kelly. I wish the gift and power of self-sacrifice on all Mums, as hard as it is at the time. Raising children is a lot more challenging if you are not innately willing to give of yourself first, knowing one day, these precious children that you are responsible for, will be the parents of your grandchildren and the future of the world.
It wouldn't matter what anyone looks like though, I see really nasty comments written about ALL off the most beautiful woman in the world. There seems to be a group of people that just enjoy being nasty.
Kelly LeBrock: Yes, it's not what I look like, its how I feel. Until you feel able to allow this nonsense to drip off you, you will never, ever be your true self. Watching my brother die of cancer recently and my Mum going through the same thing, has given me a great gift. a great gift. Truly be in the moment where you are, and if you're not, change it.
Gabrielle Reilly: I'm so sorry for the loss of your brother and the suffering of your Mum... it brings me to tears at the mere thought of how it would feel to lose my big brother.
Kelly thanks so much for this wonderful interview series. I've loved getting to know the woman who sparked dreams in many of us, and me most definitely. Although our paths are different, what I do today was, in some part, influenced by you achieving your dreams and putting a fire in a young girl's heart. I'm just one of many. Your influence on the world will continue to live on with exponential growth. Much love and continued success.